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Download Reference as PDF ranks among Europe’s leading online stores for fishing. The ever-growing product range currently includes over 75,000 items. The unique assortment depth, fair prices and fast shipping are some of their strengths.

Due to the company‘s rapid growth in connection with a steadily increasing product range on more and more storage space, the management of Angelplatz has been considering the issue of warehouse automation for small parts for quite some time. However, so far there was simply not enough time to implement an adequate solution. With the relocation of the former sister company Futterplatz, the opportunity arose to take over both the existing storage facility and the STOROJET automatic small parts warehouse located in it and to adapt it to the company‘s own requirements within a very short time.

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New operator with adapted system in just nine weeks

In just nine weeks, the STOROJET system was optimized to meet the requirements of Angelplatz and now forms the centerpiece of the logistics processes.

Individual cardboard boxes with different compartments for more than 30,000 articles were mounted and stored in a very short time on over 5,500 goods carriers, which come in three different sizes. The elimination of many previously used manual picking racks allowed the space created to be used for a new packing line. The ports mainly used for retrieval were relocated to the side of the packing line The existing pick-by-light system was complemented by a pick-to-wall system, which provides a perfect symbiosis for efficient work. Several intelligent modules now operate together to simplify all operations on the STOROJET and the packing line.

Employees at the ports are now not only shown the compartments for picking using pick-by-light and monitors, but thanks to a light signal they are also shown a fitting goods basket into which the goods are to be picked.

STOROJET Small Parts warehouse for
STOROJET small parts warehouse for

Employees on the packing line only have to retrieve and pack the respective basket. On one side of the STOROJET storage tower is a port used for storing returns and receiving goods, and on the back is another port that can be activated as needed to handle seasonal peaks. The simplification of the entire process also allows new employees to be trained in a very short time and enables the simultaneous, as well as error-free processing of up to 16 invoice numbers per port. The output quantity was increased by a factor of five compared to the manual process. Especially in the case of small parts, returns management represents a major challenge. STOROJET simply feeds the returns back into the system via daily warehousing, eliminating the need for additional routes and costs.

What is stored in the STOROJET system?

The articles stored are primarily limited to small parts from fishing hooks to waders. Even now, 80% of the ordered articles are retrieved directly from the STOROJET system.

Well-equipped for the future

Thanks to its expandability during operation, the STOROJET system can be flexibly extended at any time and thus adapted to the constantly growing product range. The system‘s high degree of modularity also applies to the compartmentalization of the goods carriers, which can be changed at any time, and offers plenty of options for additional goods. This makes the STOROJET automatic small parts warehouse the perfect basis for being well equipped for the future.

Overview of Data

  • STOROJET storage shelf
    Height:5,2 m (plus 1 m for the lifts)
    Levels:13 (clearance 380 mm)
    Footprint:385 m2
    Highspeed Lifts:4

  • Goods carriers
    500x500 mm (WxD):2.700
    500x700 mm (WxD):1.300
    500x900 mm (WxD):1.500

  • Ports
    Storage and retrieval:4

  • Output
    Daily Operating Time:8 hours
    Picks*/Hour per Port:250
*The number of picks always refers to the presentation of individual product carriers. If several articles can be removed from the same rack, the picking performance increases significantly.

STOROJET Small Parts warehouse for

Sustainabilty at Storojet
Planted Trees: 1050
Bound Co2: 13125 kg
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at Storojet

Planted Trees: 1050
Bound Co2: 13125 kg
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