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Modellbau Härtle Counts on Automatic Small Parts Store STOROJET

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Modellbau Härtle counts on the future-oriented automatic small parts store STOROJET and the revolutionary packaging system from Packsize.

As of now, the online dealer Härtle from Marktoberdorf (Allgäu) counts on the automated storage and order picking system STOROJET. Still in 2021, ICO Innovative Computer GmbH realises the almost 6 m high system on an area of more than 700 m2 with appr. 8,000 goods carrier presentations per day and more than 130 robots.

Thus, Modellbau Härtle invests in future-oriented technology in order to meet the steadily increasing order volume even during the Christmas season. Modellbau Härtle (since 1889) is one of Europe’s major specialist mail-order companies for model railways and model assembly. The specialist assortment includes model railways and accessories, RC model assembly, RC cars, truck model assembly, plastic model assembly, car racetracks, high-quality construction kit systems such as Fischertechnik and more than 1,000 miniature models.

High speed and easy scaling

On an area of 700 m2 a fully-automated storage space of more than 3,000 m2 is created. Upon commissioning, more than 100 robots will ensure that the employees of the company Härtle will not have to walk through the corridors but receive the goods directly at the picking stations.

Six high-speed lifts connect a total of 12 levels of the automatic small parts store allowing the robots to switch between levels quickly. The almost 8,000 goods carriers in different sizes are taken to the in-feed and out-feed stations by robots on continuously optimised routes. The new warehouse of the company Härtle will include four of these stations. With a daily operating time of 11 hours this results in up to 8,000 goods carrier presentations per day. The goods carriers are equippped with goods frequently ordered in combination already during in-feeding in order to drastically increase the efficiency of the individual picks. Furthermore, all workplaces are equipped with pick-by-light systems to always illuminate the proper position during in-feeding and out-feeding processes in order to relieve the employees.

The automatic small parts store can be extended retroactively and in a cost-efficient manner in ongoing operation. This is true for both the storage areas and the number of commissioning stations including the required pick performance. All this not only facilitates the daily work but results in increased efficiency with a drastic reduction of potential error sources and thus in new growth potential for the enterprise.

One software as the interface for all components

Härtle continues to count on the proven ERP system v.Soft from Vepos that has been in use since 2013 and simultaneously updates to the latest software version 3.0 Cirrina. In this way, the employees maintain their familiar work environment. Here, the software assumes a key function between the volume scanner in incoming goods, management of the more than 50,000 storage locations in the STOROJET system and the transmission of the volume data to the Packsize packaging system. v.Soft supports Härtle, among other things, with purchasing, sales, warehouse management and accounting.

Holistic concept for more speed, cost-savings and environmental protection

Holistic concept for more speed, cost-savings and environmental protection

Not only STOROJET counts on sustainability in terms of the resources used. In combination with the revolutionary packaging system of the company Packsize that automatically creates resource-saving, individual and customized outer packagings, a future-oriented and holistic concept is realised. In this way, users of the Packsize technology save no less than 25 tons of CO2 per 100,000 m2 of corrugated board, thus continuously setting new standards in terms of environmental-friendliness and resource management. The Packsize station is located right next to the STOROJET workplaces, and the cardboard boxes are available in perfect size to be transferred to the dispatch department without delay immediately upon commissioning.

The solar plant on the roof generates enough electricity to contribute a major part of the daily requirement of the warehouse. In addition, ICO Innovative Computer GmbH will plant new trees in the order of the amount of wood required for the installation of the STOROJET system, thus sending a strong signal for environmental protection and CO2-reduction. In this way, one of the most modern and sustainable locations for online trade in Germany is developed in Marktoberdorf.

Overview of Data

  • STOROJET storage shelf
    Height:5,85 m (plus 1 m for lifts)
    Levels:12 (clearance 380 mm)
    Footprint:727 m2
    Highspeed Lifts:6

  • Goods carriers
    500x700 mm (WxD):4.400
    500x900 mm (WxD):3.400

  • Ports
    Storage and retrieval5

  • Performance
    Daily operating time:8 hours
    Picks* - Day| Hour:7200 | 900
*The number of picks always refers to the presentation of individual goods carriers. If multiple items can be picked from the same goods carrier, the picking performance signifi cantly increases.

Zitat Matthias Frank
Zitat Julian Trillken
STOROJET & Packsize Demo
STOROJET & Packsize Demo

Sustainabilty at Storojet
Planted Trees: 1050
Bound Co2: 13125 kg
Read more
at Storojet

Planted Trees: 1050
Bound Co2: 13125 kg
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